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ASUS Lyra Voice

华硕官方固件 bingge 2019-03-24 3354 次浏览

P_setting_xxx_0_90_end_300.pngVersion MBytes

ASUS Lyra Voice Firmware version
- Now Alexa Start/End of Request sound cues OFF by default(settings can be changed via ASUS Router app > Devices > Request Sound section).
- Fixed Alexa Amazon Music/Spotify/Other MSP streaming and Bluetooth music streaming possible overlap issue. Under certain condition Bluetooth client device should be force disconnected(sync design with Amazon 1p Echo devices)
- Fixed streaming issue with Japan Music Service Provider dHits.
- Fixed possible some specific TuneIn stations streaming failed issue.
- Sound quality further fine tuned, audio version updated: 20190219.
- Fixed possible TuneIn stations streaming interruption, which leads to invalid TuneIn/ Amazon Music streaming behavior.
- Feedback feature enhancements adopted.
- Router Alexa Skill page, Amazon country/region website list updated, added Spain/ Italy/ France(Web UI > Advanced Settings > Amazon Alexa > Amazon Alexa Skill).
- Fixed Spotify Connect failed to stream music and Spotify Connect Device list missing Lyra Voice device after accessed with different Spotify account issues.
- Volume control earcon sound effect updated.
- Fixed race condition of Spotify and Bluetooth audio streaming.
- Fixed after Bluetooth pairing initiated, possible Alexa output “Ready to pair…”/ “Now connected to…” messages twice issue.
- Web UI > Advanced Settings > System > SSH support for WAN interface removed.
- Fixed Web UI related issues(Client List/ AiProtection/ Feedback/ Network Map/ LAN/ Wireless Log etc).
- Fixed SSID UTF8 format/special characters’ handling.
- Fine tune LED effect behaviors(Bluetooth/ Reflect actual internet status faster).
- Fixed no earcon sound effect after Bluetooth client disconnected issue.
- Fixed AiMesh related issues.

Please unzip the firmware file first then check the MD5 code.
MD5: 776e20cab32e1e450040bf977e46f3ce

ASUS Lyra Voice大小:74.95MB | 来源:华硕官网

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