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华硕官方固件 bingge 2018-01-27 4042 次浏览

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ASUS RT-AC5300 Firmware version
New features
AiMesh: an innovative new router feature that connects multiple ASUS routers to create a whole-home WiFi network. Refer to https://www.asus.com/aimesh/ for more detail.

- Added IPSec VPN server
- Supported Alexa.
- Supported IFTTT.
- Supported Let's encrypt to help get free Certificate Authority (CA). To enable this feature, the router needs to obtain public IP from ISP. 

Security fixed
- Fixed CVE-2017-14491: DNS - 2 byte heap based overflow
- Fixed CVE-2017-14492: DHCP - heap based overflow
- Fixed CVE-2017-14493: DHCP - stack based overflow
- Fixed CVE-2017-14494: DHCP - info leak
- Fixed CVE-2017-14495: DNS - OOM DoS
- Fixed CVE-2017-14496: DNS - DoS Integer underflow
- Fixed CVE-2017-13704: Bug collision
- Fixed predictable session tokens(CVE-2017-15654), logged user IP validation(CVE-2017-15653), Logged-in information disclosure (special thanks to Blazej Adamczyk contribution)
- Fixed web GUI authorization vulnerabilities.
- Fixed AiCloud XSS vulnerabilities
- Fixed XSS vulnerability. Thanks for Joaquim's contribution.
- Fixed LAN RCE vulnerability. An independent security researcher has reported this vulnerability to Beyond Security’s SecuriTeam Secure Disclosure program
- Fixed remote code execution vulnerability. Thanks to David Maciejak of Fortinet's FortiGuard Labs
- Fixed Smart Sync Stored XSS vulnerabilities. Thanks fo Guy Arazi's contribution.
- Fixed CVE-2018-5721 Stack-based buffer overflow

Bug fixed
- Fixed CTF related issues
- Fixed network map abnormal response time issues
- Fixed client list issues.
- Fixed AiCloud smart sync issue.
- Fixed client icon modification issue when client name includes special characters.
- Fixed QIS GUI issues.

Other new features
- HDD hibernation.
- URL filter supports both black and whitelist.
- Bandwidth limiter on the guest network.
- URL filter support https website.

ASUS RT-AC5300大小:45.72MB | 来源:华硕官网

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