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新闻 bingge 2018-03-01 3349 次浏览

Field-proven, High Performance Wave 2, 4x4 802.11ac Solution

The QSR1000 is a field proven 802.11ac Wave 2 solution with 4x4 MU-MIMO capacity. The QSR1000 builds on Quantenna 4x4 MIMO technology and enables up to 1.7Gbps speeds. Designed for Broadband Home Gateways, Set-top-boxes and stand-alone Wi-Fi bridges, it has been widely deployed by leading Service providers and retail OEM worldwide, leveraging Quantenna’s unique expertise in high capacity Wi-Fi for intensive video and data distribution. The QSR1000 comes with Quantenna’s advanced software features such as iQStream for enhanced Quality of Service, Smart Channel Selection, SuperDFS for optimized 5GHz DFS performance, Zero PER for ultra-reliable live TV streaming, and other capabilities.

Key QSR1000 Wave 2 Features and Benefits

? Integrated chipset for 802.11ac/n/a Wave 2 applications
? 4x4 MU-MIMO 4 Spatial Streams
? 80MHz channels
? Host offload capability
? RGMII and PCIe Gen2 connectivity
? Peak PHY rate of 1700Mbps
? Optimized 2x4 variant for client applications
? Smart Channel Selection
? SuperDFS
? iQStream for enhanced Quality of Service

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