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新闻 bingge 2018-03-01 4065 次浏览

Unparalleled Performance

The QSR10G is the industry’s first 10G Wave 3 solution for Access Points and offers unparalleled speed, capacity, range and reliability. 10G Wave 3 Access Points represent a revolutionary new way for Wi-Fi networks to scale as Wi-Fi usage continues to explode. 10G Wave 3 access points support up to a maximum of 10Gbps speeds, dual-band dual concurrent connectivity and up to 12 simultaneous streams through True 8x8? MIMO configuration for 5GHz networks with a 4x4 MIMO configuration on 2.4GHz networks.

In addition, 10G Wave 3 allows access points to support up to four simultaneous Multi-User MIMO (MU-MIMO) clients per group. This means more total system capacity and aggregate throughput can be supported - a trend that continues unabated, as the number of clients increases per household over time. More consumers will experience the fastest, most reliable video streaming experience, faster downloads and uploads, and better performance for all their applications. Legacy Wave 1 and Wave 2 client devices will benefit from Access Points with 10G Wave 3 technology.

Key 10G Wave 3 Features and Benefits

? Integrated AP chipset for dual-band (5GHz and 2.4GHz), dual concurrent operation and management
? 160MHz channel support for 5GHz networks. When combined with 8x8 MIMO configuration, this offers 4x the capacity of 80MHz 4x4 MIMO networks
? Unique adaptive MIMO configuration 
? Up to 1024 QAM modulation for 2.4GHz and 5GHz transmissions
? Supports rich set of interfaces to external hosts such as PCIe Gen3/Gen2, RXAUI, RGMII, and others

Additional QSR10G Product Family Features

The QSR10G product family spans across different chipsets to support a wide-range of applications, including:

? Peak PHY rate of near 10Gbps
? Support for simultaneous 5GHz and 2.4GHz networks
? 12-stream operation

? Peak PHY rate of 9Gbps
? Support for simultaneous 5GHz and 2.4GHz networks
? 10-stream operation

? Peak PHY rate of 7Gbps
? Support for simultaneous 5GHz and 2.4GHz networks
? 8-stream operation

? Peak PHY rate of 8.6Gbps
? Support for 5GHz networks
? 8-stream operation

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